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Testing, testing, one, two, three Episode 1

Testing, testing, one, two, three

· 00:54

Starting something is scary only because it's what most people do not do. It's in our DNA to be a follower. But if you examine the last few thousand years of civilisation, most of the bad things that we still talk about today are the result of people just following along. Avoiding the scary, avoiding change, avoiding the call to leadership.

So I'm writing this daily letter every day from the 1st of February to leave the status quo of "this is how all weddings are and should be and how wedding officiants and celebrants should exist" and to step into the chaotic beauty of creating meaningful and honest weddings as a celebrant/officiant.

And I'm extending that inviting hand to you. Would you care to come do something great?


I also wanted to send an actual email to the list when there's only 15 people on it to make sure it works and everything I've set up works perfectly. So tap reply and let me know you got this?


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