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Why does this exist??? Trailer

Why does this exist???

· 01:30


Josh Withers: I'm never gonna forget
the day that I discovered two things.

Number one.

That wedding celebrants
were a thing that existed.

And number two, that
they could be terrible.

I remember walking into
the wedding ceremony.

So excited for the couple of getting
married as my aunt and uncle.

Well now, uncle.

And the celebration.

Was about to take place.

And I was just so surprised at
the person holding the microphone.

The authority.

The end of that aisle was clearly
just not emotionally available enough

to care about my auntie's willingly.

They didn't understand how
awesome and how important it is.

And how it was to us.

So for 15 years, I've channeled the
opposite of whatever energy she brought

to that wedding on a Queensland beach.

And I'd love to share it with you in
a daily email called Aisle Authority.

My friend and co-founder the
Celebrate Institute, Sarah Aird.

She pointed out.

Not every winning has an
island that is fair and show.

But it's cool name, my humble opinion.

And I like the alliteration,
so here we are.

The email letter is
free as is this podcast.

And one day they'll probably be a
course, a book, a paid version of

the email, something like that who
knows where things will end up.

But today I'm asking for the
permission to slip into your email

box every day with inspiration.

Help advice.

Recommending tools and apps
and artificial intelligence

tricks to help you be awesome.

Do you want to come along for the ride?

My name is Josh Withers,
welcome to Aisle Authority.

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